The puppies did not quite know what to think about this
big bone!
Shawn did he drug it over to his bed and began to devour it!
Toy Fox Terriers The
Toy Fox Terrier somewhat resembles the Smooth Fox Terrier from which it was developed, but the diminutive pooch has definite
differences in appearance. The ears on the Toy Fox Terrier are upright and appear too large for the dog's head, its skull
is more rounded with a longer muzzle than that of its larger cousin,its body is proportionally longer, and its tail is shorter.
The Toy Fox Terrier had its beginnings in the runts of litters born to Smooth Fox Terriers on American farms. Favorites
as house dogs to keep vermin out of the pantry and entertain the family with their antics, these scrappy little dogs became
the foundation of the breed. Toy Fox Terriers inherited the smooth coat that needs little care and the devil-may-care attitude
of the larger Smooth Fox Terrier. Elderly people often enjoy the lively little dogs, for they can be counted on to exercise
themselves in the apartment, are good watchdogs, and love to do tricks.
The Toy Fox Terrier weighs three-and-one-half
to seven pounds. It is mostly white with black, tan, or black and tan markings. Care should be taken to select a responsible
breeder, for like all small breeds, the Toy Fox Terrier can be exploited by puppy mills and backyard breeders. Puppies purchased
from pet stores can have the same temperament and health problems as any other breed purchased from this source.